Half of Brits are confused over what foods are right for their diet, study finds

Half of Brits admit to being confused when it comes to what foods are right for their diet – with a quarter ditching an entire food group following a funny tummy. Research of 2,000 adults revealed 29 percent keep away from anything that makes them feel bloated, and 28 percent stay clear of items that lead to stomach cramps.

As a result, 38 percent stick to the same meals to be safe – missing out on a more varied diet as a result.

Further confusion around diet benefits found 30 percent believe lactose-free products are healthier – but seven in ten have never added any to their shopping basket.

Rachel Campbell, from Arla, which commissioned the research to launch its LactoFREE range, said: “Our research shows we’re a nation who are missing out on a range of delicious meals.

“Whether you’re lactose intolerant, or simply want to live your life without lactose, you should never feel restricted by your diet.”

Despite wanting to make food choices that lead to feeling better physically (48 percent) and mentally (25 percent), more than half (52 percent) feel confused when it comes to getting nutrition and diet right.

It also emerged 54 percent were unaware of the difference between dairy-free and lactose-free options.

And 71 percent didn’t know lactose-free products do contain dairy, just without the lactase.

Nine in ten (91 percent) feel it’s important to maintain a healthy gut – but 64 percent were unaware lactose-free products provide the same nutrients, like calcium and Vitamin D, as dairy products.

And 30 percent think lactose-free products are strictly for those who are lactose intolerant.

Rhiannon Lambert, registered nutritionist, speaking about the research by Arla LactoFREE, said: “Lactase is the body’s own enzyme that breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose, so they can be absorbed through the intestinal wall and into our bloodstream.

“Those with a lactose allergy or intolerance, where the enzyme lactase is not present or does not function as effectively, may feel discomfort if lactose isn’t broken down into galactose and glucose in the intestines.

“If you are continuing to feel discomfort after eating certain food products, it’s always best to speak with a health professional to create a bespoke dietary plan.”

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