Gordon Ramsay’s apple-pie spiced porridge recipe is the ideal winter breakfast

The 57-year-old chef is known for his impressive repertoire of recipes for main meals and desserts, but Gordon Ramsay also likes to keep it simple.

Along with his many breakfast egg recipes, Gordon has the perfect formula for winter porridge.

His apple-pie spiced oats are the ultimate blend of fruity and warming making them ideal for enjoying on a cold morning.

As featured in his book, Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Fit Food, the dish is both flavoursome and healthy, so it’s completely guilt-free.

What’s more, it requires just a simple blend of ingredients that are likely already lurking in the kitchen cupboard.

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  • 150g jumbo rolled oats
  • Four dates, stoned and finely chopped
  • Half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • Pinch of ground allspice
  • Two eating apples, cored and cut into chunks
  • 400ml semi-skimmed milk, plus extra for serving
  • Sea salt

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Gordon Ramsay’s apple-pie spiced porridge recipe

This dish does require some cooking which should start with the oats, chopped dates, and spices being added to a medium heavy-based saucepan.

Next, pour in three-quarters of the apple chunks and a pinch of salt, followed by 400ml of milk.

While the recipe says semi-skimmed, any milk will work for those who prefer plant-based alternatives.

Add 400ml of hot water and stir over medium heat until the porridge begins to simmer.

Leave to bubble gently for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring regularly for a creamy consistency.

Gordon claimed that the apple chunks will collapse into the porridge and the liquid should all be absorbed when ready to serve.

Portion into warmed bowls and top with the remaining apple chunks, and some extra milk if desired.

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