Jamie Oliver’s omelette wrap is super-tasty for breakfast on-the-go – recipe

Omelettes are the ultimate morning meal made with eggs and they’re easy to enjoy on the go with this quick wrap recipe.

Sharing the simple creation on his website, Jamie Oliver claimed: “This super-tasty wrap contains a source of protein to promote muscle repair, so it’s perfect for morning gym-goers.

“Finish with a dash of chilli sauce to really wake up your taste buds.”

Even for those who aren’t off to the gym, this quick meal is ideal for taking on the go for a walk or after doing any kind of exercise.

And with just a handful of simple ingredients, it couldn’t be easier to make in a hurry.

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  • Two large free-range eggs
  • Olive oil
  • 10g mature Cheddar cheese
  • One wholegrain-seeded tortilla wrap
  • Half a bunch of fresh basil
  • Chilli sauce
  • 200g ripe tomatoes
  • 30g rocket

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Jamie Oliver’s omelette wrap recipe

To make the omelette start as you would with scrambled eggs by cracking two large eggs into a bowl or jug, and season lightly with sea salt and black pepper.

Next, whisk with a fork until well combined before preparing a drizzle of oil in a small-to-medium-sized pan over medium heat.

Carefully wipe the oil round and out with a ball of kitchen paper before pouring the egg mixture in. As it starts to cook at the edges, push everything into the centre with a spatula, tilting the pan to let the raw egg run to the edges.

Repeat for one to two minutes, or until the omelette is almost cooked. Finely grate the cheddar cheese onto it from a height, leave for 30 seconds to one minute to melt, then slide carefully onto a plate.

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Place one seeded wholemeal tortilla into the pan and warm briefly on both sides. Top the tortilla-plated omelette, then carefully flip both back into the pan so the tortilla ends up at the bottom.

Pick and tear over the leaves from half a bunch of fresh basil then finish with a drizzle of chilli sauce.

Slice 100g of ripe tomatoes and arrange on top followed by a scattering of rocket, then season to taste with more salt and pepper.

Tear off a 30cm piece of greaseproof paper and place it flat on the work surface. Slide the tortilla on top, then use the greaseproof paper to help roll up the wrap, twisting the ends of the paper to secure.

Cut the wrap in half through the paper when it’s time to tuck in.

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